发表者 Devil's Son 位置在: 2:21 PM 22 评论
标签: photography
发表者 Devil's Son 位置在: 5:29 AM 15 评论
标签: photography
发表者 Devil's Son 位置在: 9:59 PM 9 评论
标签: photography
发表者 Devil's Son 位置在: 4:31 PM 4 评论
标签: photography
这游戏一到考试期间果然管用!发泄及减压的游戏。虚拟的世界任由你大开杀戒!而且是为正义而杀!嘻嘻。最近和“屋友”发现了电费非常离谱。只是两个人却上百!应该是最近沉沦在这虚拟世界太多了。我告诉我的朋友应该是火力用得太大,电费也同样直彪!刚打玩一场就有感觉要写部落。这是刚刚的成绩:杀了101人,死了2次! 还蛮不赖的!呵呵!继续磨炼+减压!
发表者 Devil's Son 位置在: 1:43 AM 3 评论
标签: photography
发表者 Devil's Son 位置在: 5:45 PM 8 评论
标签: art, photography
今天ICEMS采用了另一个让我们更睹懒的解决方案!那就是白兔server!我本身不知道这是什么鸟东西,也不想知道。每个学生都有不同的连线通往注册网站。更搞的是,没有一个是行的!几乎很多校外注册的都失败。真的没有办法之下,终于被迫相信他们所谓的“紧急救护队”。于是加入他们的YM ID。过了15分钟才通过~ 应该是他们今天早上突然多了很多“网友”吧!
icems_melaka (12/19/2007 11:29:10 AM): hv prob in ur course registration
icems_melaka (12/19/2007 11:29:10 AM): ?
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:29:21 AM): ya!
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:29:34 AM): how come can not even access?
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:29:42 AM): i'm at home , tmn bukit melaka now
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:30:04 AM): https://arnab.mmu.edu.my (redirect to here?)
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:32:27 AM): https://arnab.mmu.edu.my/cr/crlogin.jsp
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:32:30 AM): try to access
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:33:34 AM): kenot
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:33:36 AM): can not
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:34:00 AM): try again
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:34:05 AM): "can not find" and DNS error
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:34:07 AM): cos many student trying to access it too
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:34:09 AM): https://arnab.mmu.edu.my/cr/crlogin.jsp
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:34:22 AM): i had tried from this morning 9am......
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:34:34 AM): so u want me to keep trying till?
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:34:50 AM): no other way of accessing?
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:34:58 AM): is it just for internal(on campus)?
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:38:12 AM): hello
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:39:21 AM): https://arnab.mmu.edu.my/cr/crlogin.jsp
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:39:23 AM): try it again
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:39:29 AM): ok
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:39:33 AM): ?
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:40:00 AM): may i hv u id pls
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:40:17 AM): still can not
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:40:22 AM): 1041103801
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:40:32 AM): no problem.........
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:40:54 AM): make sure there is a record of complaint here
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:41:56 AM): i din take ur id down 4 complain
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:42:07 AM): i was trying to check whether ur id manage to access to the page
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:42:17 AM): it seems no prob in accessing from my pc
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:42:29 AM): but i dun hv the right to add subject for u
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:42:45 AM): ofcos....
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:42:49 AM): u are on campus
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:42:58 AM): y question now ....is it just for on campus
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:43:08 AM): seems that all my fren from out campus kenot access it
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:43:12 AM): but there are student out campus also manage to access
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:43:16 AM): and on campus user can acess super fast
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:43:21 AM): currently, there are many student trying to access
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:43:41 AM): juz hope u can try to access it again
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:44:19 AM): there is a user complain form , u may b,can try to write a complain at thr too....
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:44:42 AM): we know currently our server is down
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:44:58 AM): but we re trying to helping all student to add their subject too
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:45:14 AM): we re very sorry for ur inconvenient
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:45:51 AM): yea....sure......complain in all form of channel i can.............
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:45:59 AM): this problem had been for YEARS
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:46:10 AM): and still....mmu remains MULTIMEDIA
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:46:18 AM): thanks anyway
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:46:22 AM): i will keep trying
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:46:27 AM): i knw it's not your fault
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:46:34 AM): take care
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:46:40 AM): thn u try to access from online
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:46:57 AM): https://icems.mmu.edu.my/cr/crlogin.jsp
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:47:01 AM): try this link again
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:48:17 AM): manage to access already?
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:48:31 AM): thr is student manage to access thru this page
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:48:32 AM): https://icems.mmu.edu.my/cr/crlogin.jsp
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:51:28 AM): why don't u recommand this link > https://precr.mmu.edu.my/cr/crlogin.jsp
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:51:52 AM): thr is a few link
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:52:00 AM): when u access to online
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:52:07 AM): n click on the course registration
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:52:16 AM): this page link to another server too
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:52:43 AM): hope u can assist others by recommending all links they can try...rather than keep asking them to try a same link.....again n again....
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:53:05 AM): tht1 is from moon
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:53:18 AM): do u manage to access to tht page?
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:53:23 AM): yea....
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:53:33 AM): finish editing my course selection
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:54:01 AM): thanks for the PROMPT assistance
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:54:07 AM): take care...
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:54:08 AM): god bless
Scacen Tang (12/19/2007 11:54:10 AM): byebye
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 11:54:16 AM): 8
Icems Melaka (12/19/2007 12:12:42 PM): btw...i would like to let u know, tht arnab.mmu.edu.my...tht page, we had take it down already....
p/s: try to count how many "try again" there.... well....what can i say....
发表者 Devil's Son 位置在: 12:03 PM 22 评论
标签: philosophy
发表者 Devil's Son 位置在: 2:05 AM 11 评论
标签: photography
发表者 Devil's Son 位置在: 8:33 PM 6 评论
标签: photography
发表者 Devil's Son 位置在: 10:17 AM 13 评论
标签: art, photography
发表者 Devil's Son 位置在: 2:36 AM 3 评论
标签: photography
发表者 Devil's Son 位置在: 12:10 PM 6 评论
标签: photography
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